Please Help Us Thrive

Currently, we've reached 20% of our production goals, marking the launch of our ambitious project. 

Amidst the flurry of production, our mission stands tall: to birth a profoundly beautiful short film, a musical narrative that transcends.

Our vision is a voyage into the liminal space between a mind besieged by the constant digital stimuli and one attuned to the primal rhythms of nature and universal energy.

Thank You's and credits will be given to all contributors of this project.  Any amount helps!

Executive Producer credits will be given to contributors of $1000 or more.

Contribute To The Pre Production


ALL IN  - 10k

The Cast - 1800

The Crew - 1850

The Creative Team - 4000

The Accommodations - 800

The Catering - 1000

The Rentals 

Transportation - 500

Photo Studio - 500



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The minimum tip is $0.00

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Contribute To The Post Production


All IN - 10k

The Editors - 4050

The Colour Grader - 1000

The Animator - 1000

The Sound Mixer - 1000

The Album Artist - 1000

Enter the amount you wish to donate


The minimum tip is $0.00

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Contribute To The Marketing Launch


All IN - 6k

Publicist - 2000

Marketing - 1000

Merchandise - 3000

Enter the amount you wish to donate


The minimum tip is $0.00

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Why Support Us

Your support will make our project possible. 

After meeting with Gordon for the first time, there was a shared sense that this project was too important to not move forward on. We have taken a leap of faith and started pre-production feeling confident that what is needed to complete the film will come through. By contributing to our campaign, you're not only aiding in the production of a transformative music video but also supporting artists dedicated to creating beauty and expanding consciousness.

Your generosity will help us compensate our talented team, secure essential equipment, cover production costs, and ensure the success of our project.

Ony A Dream

The song itself came to me during a dream and was still vividly burnt into my mind upon waking. To me, the song is about only being able to experience the depths of our inner longings for love, calm, and true human connection in a dream state. Once the Sun comes up, we awaken and the harsh realities of living in the modern world take back control of our hearts, mind, and souls.

The vision that we share for this short film will explore the space between a conscious mind clouded by constant digital input and a conscious mind connected to nature, and source energy.